3. – Lehrangebote – Lesson – Lecture –
XML and the Second-Generation Web.
Tim Berners-Lee vision: " is the new form of the Web-Content "
The Semantic Web = a Web with a meaning.
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"If HTML and the Web made all the online documents look like one huge book, RDF, schema, and inference languages will make all the data in the world look like one huge database"
Weaving the Web
by Tim Berners-Lee with Mark Fischetti.
" Now, miraculously, we have the Web. For the documents in our lives, everything is simple
and smooth. |
The word semantic stands for the meaning of. The semantic of something is the meaning of something.
The Semantic Web is a web that is able to describe things in a way that computers can understand.
Statements are built with syntax rules. The syntax of a language defines the rules for building the language statements.
But how can syntax become semantic?
This is what the Semantic Web is all about. Describing things in a way that computers applications can understand.
The Semantic Web is not about links between web pages.
The Semantic Web describes the relationships between things
(like A is a part of B and Y is a member of Z) and the
properties of things (like size, weight, age, and price.....)
The principal technologies of the Semantic Web fit into a set of layered specifications.
The current components are:
- the " Resource Description Framework (RDF) " Core Model,
- the " RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema " language and
- the "
Web Ontology language (OWL) ".
Building on these core components is a standardized query language for RDF enabling the ‘joining’ of decentralized collections of RDF data.
RDF query language and data access protocol. SPARQL Query Language for RDF. SPARQL Protocol for RDF. SPARQL Query Results XML Format.
RDF and
are Semantic Web standards that provide a framework for
asset management, enterprise integration and the sharing and reuse of data on the Web.
These languages all build on the foundation of URIs, XML, and XML namespaces.
The goal of the Semantic Web initiative is as broad as that of the Web:
to create a universal medium for the exchange of data.
It is envisaged to
• smoothly interconnect personal information management,
• enterprise application integration, and
• the global sharing of commercial, scientific and cultural data.Facilities to put machine-understandable data on the Web are quickly becoming a high priority for many organizations, individuals and communities.
The Web can reach its full potential only if it becomes a place where data can be shared and processed by automated tools as well as by people.
For the Web to scale, tomorrow's programs must be able to share and process data even when these programs have been designed totally independently.
These standard formats for data sharing span application, enterprise, and community boundaries -
all of these different types of 'user' can share the same information, even if they don't share the same software.This announcement marked the emergence of the Semantic Web as a broad-based, commercial-grade platform for data on the Web.
The deployment of these standards in commercial products and services signals the transition of Semantic Web technology from
what was largely a research and advanced development project over the last five years, to more practical technology deployed in mass market tools
that enables more flexible access to structured data on the Web.
W3C - Semantic Web - Activity Statement.
The Semantic Web is NOT a very fast growing technology.
" For the processing of the knowledge available in the Semantic Web are inference engine necessary. "
Inference engines deduce new knowledge from already specified knowledge.
Two different approaches are applicable here:
(1)logic based inference engines and (2) specialized algorithms (Problem Solving Methods).
Entrepreneurs, professionnels and managers.
The World Wide Web is presently a very large collection of mainly statistical documents, a large database without logic.
More and more businesses are completed over the Internet.
One of the most frequent problems is not only the availability of information, (then the Web-presence alone produced no marketing success yet), but rather also the intelligent settlement of the exchange of information, (B2B; B2C; Supply Chain Management, CRM,...etc.) electronic managements of strategic processes.
The present extension of the WWW is going mainly through meaningless associations.
Good businesses intelligence for Internet businesses or the generation of aim orientated offers for the E-COMMERCE, next to the simple needed information; extraction and interpretation of a problem are the technologies, which are available today.
Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the WWW, established the vision of a "Semantic Web", intelligent use of the WWW for the transmission and the exchange of contents that are intelligible also for machines and people.
The Semantic Web support automatic services, being based on the semantic descriptions.
Knowledge can be mediated only with the help of semantic
The lecture comprises the most important drafts of the semantic Web, introduce the modelling - and analysis technologies as well and it gives an overview about the present developments
Background knowledge about Web resources –KEYWORDS– (concerning the meaning and the content):
History The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania.
Center for the History of Electrical Engineering.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
the inventor of the World Wide Web
the organisation that he worked for that provided the requirements and need ( March 2009: 20 years of the web)
the infrastructure required early on by the Web
the basis for document markup on the Web
the underlying linking structure for the Web
the organisation whose members develop the specifications used on the Web (March 2009: 20 years of the web)
how the Web developed in its formative years
© Oxford Brookes University 2002
Birth of the World Wide Web (www)
" KLICKEN Sie auf das BILD / Click on the Picture "
Birth of the Internet
plaque at Stanford University
Today - Architecture of the WORLD WIDE WEB
– Design Issues – Architectural and philosophical points
Personal notes by Tim Berners-Lee:
These statements of architectural principle explain the thinking behind the specifications.
These are personal notes by Tim Berners-Lee: they are not endorsed by W3C.
They are aimed at the technical community, to explain reasons, provide a framework to provide consistency for for future developments, and avoid repetition of discussions once resolved.
• Reification of RDF and N3 (2004/12)
Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One –
W3C Recommendation 15 December 2004
The World Wide Web uses relatively simple technologies with sufficient scalability, efficiency and utility that they have resulted in a remarkable information space of interrelated resources, growing across languages, cultures, and media.
• In an effort to preserve these properties of the information
space as the technologies evolve, this architecture document discusses the core design components of the Web.
• They are identification of resources, representation of resource state, and
the protocols that support the interaction between agents and resources in the space.
We relate core design components, constraints, and good practices to the principles and properties they support.
© 2002-2004 W3C
® World Wide Web Consortium
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics,
Keio University Japan ).
All Rights Reserved. W3C liability,
document use and
software licensing rules apply.
The World Wide Web Consortium ( W3C ).
W3C's (World Wide Web Consortium) mission is:
– To lead the World Wide Web to its full potential –
by developing protocols and guidelines that ensure long-term growth for the Web.
W3C Develops Web Standards and Guidelines.
In order for the Web to reach its full potential, the most fundamental Web technologies must be compatible with one another and allow any hardware and software used to access the Web to work together.
W3C refers to this goal as Web interoperability.
By publishing open (non-proprietary) standards for Web languages and protocols,
W3C seeks to avoid market fragmentation and thus Web fragmentation
Tim Berners-Lee , W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web.
Tim Berners-Lee
and others created W3C as an industry consortium
dedicated to building consensus around Web technologies.
Mr. Berners-Lee, who invented the
World Wide Web in March 1989 while working at the
European Organization for Nuclear Research
has served as the W3C Director since W3C was founded, in 1994.
Weaving the Web
by Tim Berners-Lee
with Mark Fischetti.
The original design and ultimate destiny of the WWW, by its inventor.
Documents available from the Web or from any digital representation constitute a significant SOURCE of KNOWLEDGE to be represented, handled and queried.
Ca. ... Std. Deeper involvement through private conversation is possible.
Reference: The advisor Dipl. Ing. Johann Magori -CAE system specialist- member of the engineer chamber in Hessen.
I would like to clarify through this presentation the term or Semantic Web as a concept for numerous standards, technologies and ideas for the questions concerning the transmission,
storage, processing of data, and clarify special outlooks of the Semantic Web.
- Private information is practically the source of every large modern fortune -
" Oscar Wilde "
– Tim Berners-Lee
– James Hendler
– Ora Lassila
A new form of Web content that is meaningful to computers will unleash a revolution of new possibilities.
• The Semantic Web will enable machines to COMPREHEND semantic documents and data, not human speech and writings.
• Properly designed, the Semantic Web can assist the evolution of human knowledge as a whole.
– Jacco van Ossenbruggen,
– Lynda Hardman
– Lloyd Rutledge
Until recently, the Semantic Web was little more than a name for the next-generation Web infrastructure
as envisioned by its
inventor, Tim Berners-Lee.
With the introduction of XML and RDF, and new developments such as RDF Schema and DAML+OIL,
the Semantic Web is rapidly taking shape.
This paper gives an overview of the state-of-the-art in Semantic Webtechnology,
the key relationships with traditional hypermedia research,
and a comprehensive reference list to various sets of literature (hypertext, Web and Semantic Web).
A research agenda describes the open research issues in the development of the Semantic Web from the perspective of hypermedia research.
Most of the content of today's world wide web is designed for humans to read, not computers to manipulate.
Alan Gilchrist explores the principles of classification and indexing
that underlie the concept of the 'semantic web',
which might one day lead to much more accurate and targeted automatic searching and retrieval than is possible at present.
• librarians • taxonomists • thesauri • probabilistic indexing • occurrence/co-occurrence • vector space modelling.
A ‘treasury’ or ‘storehouse’
of knowledge, as a dictionary, encyclopaedia or the like.
A collection of concepts or words arranged according to sense; also a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms.
Classification, esp. in relation to its general laws or principles;
that department of science, or of a particular science or subject, which consists in or relates to classification;
especially the systemic classification of living organisms.
The science or study of being;
that department of metaphysics which relates to the being or essence of things, or to being in the abstract.
The amount of work to be done in rendering the digital information space more efficient and effective has attracted a wide range of disciplines which, in turn, has given rise to a degree of confusion in the terminology applied to information problems.
This note seeks to shed some light on the three terms thesauri, taxonomies and ontologies as they are currently being used by, among others, information scientists, AI practitioners, and those working on the foundations of the semantic Web.
The paper is not a review of the techniques themselves.
• Data • Internet • Management.
– Stefan Decker and Sergey Melnik - Stanford University
– Ian Horrocks - University of Manchester
– Frank Van Harmelen, Dieter Fensel and Michel Klein - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
– Jeen Broekstra, - AIdministrator Nederland B.V.
– Michael Erdmann - University of Karlsruhe
The next generation of the Web is often characterized as the Semantic Web:
information will no longer only be intended for human readers, but also for processing by machines, enabling intelligent information services, personalized Web-sites,
and semantically empowered search-engines.
The Semantic Web requires interoperability on the semantic level.
Semantic interoperability requires standards not only for the syntactic form of documents, but also for the semantic content.
Proposals aiming at semantic interoperability are the results of recent W3C standardization efforts, notably XML/XML Schema and RDF/RDF Schema. In this paper, we make the following claims:
• A further representation and inference layer is needed on top of the currently available layers of the WWW.
• To establish such a layer, we propose a general method for encoding arbitrary ontology representation languages into RDF/RDF Schema.
• We illustrate the extension method by applying it to a particular ontology representation and inference language (OIL).
Actually: HOME – e-mail: <>
Actually: current home page – e-mail: <>
Actually: Oxford University Computing Laboratory, – e-mail: <>
is a Dutch Computer Scientist and Professor in Knowledge Representation & Reasoning in the
AI department
at the Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, – e-mail: <>
Assistent professor in the AI department at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, – e-mail: <>
AIdministrator Nederland b.v., Amersfoort, The Netherlands, – e-mail: <>
– Sergey Melnik Database Group, Stanford University 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, California
– Stefan Decker Database Group, Stanford University 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, California
On the Semantic Web, the target audience is the machines rather than humans.
To satisfy the demands of this audience, information needs to be available in machine-processable form rather than as unstructured text. A variety of information models like RDF or UML are available to fulfil this purpose, varying greatly in their capabilities.
The advent of XML leveraged a promising consensus on the encoding syntax for machine-processable information.
However, interoperating between different information models on a syntactic level proved to be a laborious task.
In this paper, we suggest a layered approach to interoperability of information models that borrows from layered software structuring techniques used in today's internetworking.
We identify the object layer that fills the gap between the syntax and semantic layers and examine it in detail.
We suggest the key features of the object layer like identity and binary relationships, basic typing,
reification, ordering, and n-ary relationships.
Finally, we examine design issues and implementation alternatives involved in building theobject layer.
• layered data modeling • interoperability • object layer.
Sergey Melnik is finishing a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Leipzig University, Germany under supervision of Prof. Erhard Rahm and
Dr. Philip A. Bernstein (Microsoft Research, Redmond). He serves as an invited expert in the RDF Core Working Group at the World-Wide Web
Consortium and is a recipient of a best student paper award (ICDE'02).
He spent three years (1999-2002) as a visiting researcher
in the Stanford Database Group where he worked with Prof. Hector Garcia-Molina and Prof. Emeritus Gio Wiederhold on a variety of
topics including metadata management, database optimization, information retrieval, and Semantic Web.
Sergey Melnik current home page
Jeen Broekstra, Michel Klein, Stefan Decker, Dieter Fensel, Ian Horrocks
Sep 4, 2000.
RDF Schema provides means to define vocabulary, structure and constraints for expressing metadata about Web resources.
However, formal semantics for the primitives defined in RDF Schema are not provided, and the expressivity of these primitives is not enough for full-fledged ontological modeling and reasoning.
To perform these tasks, an additional layer on top of RDF Schema is needed.
In this paper, we will show how RDF Schema can be extended in such a way that a full knowledge representation language can be expressed in it, thus enriching it with the required additional expressivity and the semantics of this language.
We do this by describing the ontology language OIL as an extension of RDF Schema.
First, we give a short introduction to both RDF Schema and OIL.
We then proceed to define a Schema to express OIL ontologies in RDF, where the aim is to use existing RDF terminology where possible, and extending RDF(S) where necessary.
The result is an RDF Schema definition of OIL primitives, which allows one to express any OIL ontology in RDF syntax, thus enabling the added benefits of OIL, such as reasoning support and formal semantics, to be used on the Web.
We conclude that our method of extending is equally applicable to other knowledge representation formalisms.
We conclude that our method of extending is equally applicable to other knowledge representation formalisms.
AIdministrator Nederland b.v., Amersfoort, The Netherlands, e-mail: <>
Assistent professor in the AI department of the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. e-mail: <>
Actually: HOME – e-mail: <>
Dr. rer-pol. – Dipl.-Inform. – CEng FIEI
Director – Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Actually: Oxford University Computing Laboratory – e-mail: <>
IST Semantic Web Technologies Workshop, Luxembourg, 22nd & 23rd November 2000
– Rudi Studer; Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe <>
– Contributions of: • Dr. Michael Erdmann; • Dr. Alexander Maedche; • Prof.Dr. Steffen Staab
– Dr. Alexander Maedche
– Prof. Dr. Steffen Staab.
The Semantic Web relies heavily on the formal ontologies that structure underlying data for the purpose of comprehensive and transportable machine understanding.
Therefore, the success of the Semantic Web depends strongly on the proliferation of ontologies, which requires fast and easy engineering of ontologies and avoidance of a knowledge acquisition bottleneck.
Ontology Learning greatly facilitates the construction of ontologies by the ontology engineer.
The vision of ontology learning that we propose here includes a number of complementary disciplines that feed on different types of unstructured, semi-structured and fully structured data in order to support a semi-automatic, cooperative ontology engineering process.
Our ontology learning framework proceeds through ontology import, extraction, pruning, refinement,
and evaluation giving the ontology engineer a wealth of coordinated tools for ontology modeling.
Besides of the general framework and architecture, we show in this paper some exemplary techniques in the ontology learning cycle that we have implemented in our ontology learning environment, Text-To-Onto, such as ontology learning from free text, from dictionaries, or from legacy ontologies, and refer to some others that need to complement the complete architecture, such as reverse engineering of ontologies from database schemata or learning from XML documents.
– Dieter Fensel and Frank van Harmelen, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
– Ian Horrocks, University of Manchester, UK
– Deborah L. McGuinness, Stanford University
– Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Bell Laboratories
Researchers in artificial intelligence first developed ontologies to facilitate knowledge sharing and reuse.
Since the beginning of the 1990s, ontologies have become a popular research topic, and several AI research communities
– including knowledge engineering, natural language processing, and knowledge representation –
Ontologies play a major role in supporting information exchange across various networks.
A prerequisite for such a role is the development of a joint standard for specifying and exchanging ontologies.
The authors present OIL, a proposal for such a standard.
is a Dutch Computer Scientist and Professor in Knowledge Representation & Reasoning in the
AI department
at the Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, – e-mail: <>
Actually: Oxford University Computing Laboratory – e-mail: <>
Computing and Software Principles Research Department, Bell Labs Research, – e-mail: <>
The First International Workshop on MultiMedia Annotation, Tokyo, Japan. January 2001.
Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany 2001
– Prof. Dr. Steffen Staab, Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren - AIFB
– Dr. Alexander Maedche, Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren - AIFB
– Dr. Siegfried Handschuh, Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren - AIFB
Creating metadata by annotating documents is one of the major techniques for putting machine understandable data on the Web.
Though there exist many tools for annotating web pages, few of them fully support the creation of semanti-cally interlinked metadata, such as necessary for a truely Semantic Web.
In this paper, we present an ontology-based annotation environment, On-toAnnotate, which offers comprehensive support for the creation of semantically interlinked meta-data by human annotators.
– John Niekrasz, Stanford University
– Alexander Gruenstein, MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
We present NOMOS, an open-source software framework for annotation, processing, and analysis of multimodal corpora.
NOMOS is designed for use by annotators, corpus developers, and corpus consumers, emphasizing configurability for a variety of specific annotation tasks.
Its features include synchronized multi-channel audio and video playback, compatibility with several corpora, platform independence, and mixed display of capabilities and a well-defined method for layering datasets.
Second, we describe how the system is used.
For corpus development and annotation we present a typical use scenario involving the creation of a schema and specialization of the user interface.
For processing and analysis we describe the GUI- and Java-based methods available, including a GUI for query construction and execution, and an automatically generated schema-conforming Java API for processing of annotations.
Additionally, we present some specific annotation and research tasks for which NOMOS has been specialized and used, annotation and research tasks for which NOMOS has been specialized and used, including topic segmentation and decision-point annotation of meetings.
• Annotation, • Multimodal Corpora, • Semantic Web.
Research Fellow / PhD Student Human Communication Research Centre School of Informatics, The University of Edinburgh.
e-mail: <>
Spoken Language Systems Group;
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory;
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
– Professor James Hendler, Co-Director, Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Laboratory
Artificial Intelligence researchers have studied such systems since long before the web was developed.
Knowledge representation,
as this technology is often called, is currently in a state comparable to that of hypertext before
the advent of the web:
it is clearly a good idea, and some very nice demonstrations exist, but it has not yet changed the world.
It contains the seeds of important applications, but to unleash its full power
it must be linked into a single global system.
Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the WWW, 2001.
• Semantic Web, • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, • Ontology.
Institute for Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB),
University of Karlsruhe, 76227 Karlsruhe, Germany
Ontoprise GmbH, Hermann-Loens-Weg 19, 76275 Ettlingen, Germany
– Steffen Staab, Juergen Angele, Stefan Decker, Michael Erdmann, Andreas Hotho, Alexander Maedche, Hans-Peter Schnurr, Rudi Studer, York Sure
Community web portals serve as portals for the information needs of particular communities on the web.
We here discuss how a comprehensive and flexible strategy for building and maintaining a high-value community web portal has been conceived and implemented.
The strategy includes collaborative information provisioning by the community members.
It is based on an ontology as a semantic backbone for accessing information on the portal, for contributing information, as well as for developing and maintaining the portal.
We have also implemented a set of ontology-based tools that have facilitated the construction of our show case - the community web portal of the knowledge acquisition community.
• Web Portal; • Collaboration; • Ontology; • Web Site Management; • Information Integration
Actually: HOME – e-mail: <>
Dr. rer-pol. – Dipl.-Inform. – CEng FIEI
Director – Digital Enterprise Research Institute
– Jeff Heflin, James Hendler, University of Maryland.
XML will have a profound impact on the way data is exchanged on the Internet.
An important feature of this language is the separation of content from presentation,
which makes it easier to select and/or
reformat the data.
However, due to the likelihood of numerous industry and domain specific DTDs,
those who wish to integrate
information will still be faced with the problem of semantic interoperability.
In this paper we discuss why this problem is not solved by XML,
and then discuss why the Resource Description Framework is only a partial solution.
We then present the SHOE language, which we feel has many of the features necessary to enable a semantic web, and describe an existing set of tools that make it easy to use the language.
• XML and DTDs, • RDF and RDF Schema, • SHOE.
Actually: Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Lehigh University <>
Actually: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
A federated STEP based - Systems Engineering -
Semantic Web based Services/Semantic Community Knowledge Web Portals EU/SME.
Digital Library and Grid technology "e-Learning" :
" COOPERATE PLUS" (MS-Word Format)
"LEONARDO DA VINCI" Community Vocational Training Action Programme -
in the field of IT & C and CAD/CAM for young professionals to develop teleworking projects.
The European Community has defined a new strategic goal:
- to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world. -
"European Council - March 2000-Lisbon / Barcelona 2002"